石齋 徐丙五(1862~1936)는 19세기 후반부터 20세기 전반까지 대구를 중심으로 활동한 서화가로 시와 서예, 문인화를 남겼으며 다양한 문화 활동을 하였다. 서병오가 남긴 시서화 작품과 ‘嶠南詩書畵硏究會’를 창설해 당대의 문화를 환경을 풍요롭게 하고, 후진을 양성한 업적은 대구를 비롯한 영남지역에 많은 영향을 미쳤다. 그럼에도 이에 대한 연구는 매우 소략하다. 본고는 서병오와 교남시서화연구회의 의의를 다시 인식해 봄으로서 그 중요성을 제고하고자 하였다. 서병오는 ‘八能[詩·書·畵·碁·棋·琴·醫·藥]’으로 불렸던 다재다능한 인물이었다. 술, 여성, 여행, 다양한 인물들과의 교유 등을 통해 삶을 즐긴 풍류인으로서, 지역 문화 활동에 참여한 지식인이자 출판인으로서, 豪健하고 艶逸한 시를 남긴 시인으로서, 개성적인 서풍을 형성한 서예가로서, 호방한 묵죽화를 남긴 문인화가로서 서병오의 다양한 인물상과 업적이 정립되어야 할 것이다. 서병오가 대구의 문화계 인사들과 함께 설립하여 주도적으로 이끈 교남시서화연구회는 근대적인 서화교육기관으로 비슷한 다른 단체들과 달리 ‘詩’를 포함한 점은 주목되어야 할 것이다. 교남시서화연구회는 지역의 문화를 활성화 시킨 거점으로서, 여러 분야의 후진을 양성한 교육기관으로서 충분히 연구되어야 할 것이다. 서병오가 자신의 서화활동과 교남시서화연구회를 통해 당대와 후대의 대구 서화계에 끼친 영향은 매우 크다. 특히 죽농 서동균을 배출함으로서 대구 문인화의 맥을 형성하여, 이후 서동균의 제자들과 재전제자들은 대구 서화계의 많은 부분을 형성하였다. 본 연구는 아직 연구가 미흡한 서병오와 교남시서화연구회의 의의를 전반적으로 고찰해 봄으로서 연구의 필요성에 대한 인식을 제고하기 위해 작성되었다. 서병오와 교남시서화연구회는 근현대 대구 서화의 뿌리로서 그 중요성이 재인식 되어야 할 것이다.
Seok-jae Seo Byeong-o(石齋 徐丙五, 1862~1936) was a painter in the literary artist’s style, who was active mostly in Daegu between the late 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. He left paintings in the literary artist’s style such as poems, calligraphies, and four gracious plants(bamboo, plum, orchid, chrysanthemum), and he was involved in various cultural activities. Seo Byeong-o’s poems, paintings and calligraphic works, and his great achievement such as fostering younger generations and richening contemporary culture by founding ‘Kyonam association for research on poems, paintings and calligraphic works(嶠南詩書畫硏究會)’ had a great influence in Daegu and Youngnam area. Nevertheless studies on it is very negligent. Therefore on this thesis, I tried to raise the importance of them by recognizing the meanings of Seo Byeong-o and Kyonam association for research on poems, paintings and calligraphic works anew. Seo Byeong-o was a multi-talented person, who was called after ’8 capacities [poems, calligraphy, paintings, a game of go, Janggi(Korean chess), geomungo, medical treatment, medicine]. As a man of taste who enjoyed life with alcohol, women, travel, companionship with various persons, as an intellectuals and publisher who participated local cultural activities, as a poet who was magnanimous and robust leaving beautiful and excellent poems, as a calligrapher who achieved his own calligraphic quality, which is freewheeling and unsophisticated, and as a painter in the literary artist’s style who left inexorable and magnanimous China-ink paintings that depicts bamboo, Seo Byeong-o’s various characteristics and his achievements need to be recognized. Seo Byeong-o founded Kyonam association for research on poems, paintings and calligraphic works with some culturally related figures in Daegu, and he played the leading role there. The association was a modern educational institution, teaching paintings and calligraphic works, there ‘poems’ was taught as well. And that differentiates itself from other institutions, and so an attention needs to be given for that. Kyonam association became a foothold, invigorating local culture, so that it needs to be excogitated as an educational institution, fostering younger generations. Through his own paintings and calligraphic works, and through some painters from Kyonam association for research on poems, paintings and calligraphic works, Seo Byeong-o had a great influence on contemporary and future generation in the work of paintings and calligraphic works in Daegu. Especially Juknong, Seo Dong-kyun, a painter in the literary artist’s style in Daegu was produced by Seo Byeong-o, and he has carried on the tradition, and since then the disciples of Seo Dong-kyun and disciples of disciples of Seo Dong-kyun are forming quite a part of paintings and calligraphic works at present in Daegu. By considering Seo Byeong-o and Kyonam association for research on poems, paintings and calligraphic works, this study was done to renew the recognition of them in many different fields. Seo Byeong-o and Kyonam association for research on poems, paintings and calligraphic works should be considered as a root of modern and contemporary art in Daegu, and the importance of them should be recognized anew.
Ⅰ. 머리말 - 팔능, 십만석 재능의 신화와 명암
Ⅱ. 석재 서병오의 인물 형상
Ⅲ. 교남시서화연구회의 의의
Ⅳ. 서병오가 당대와 이후의 대구 서화계에 끼친 영향
Ⅴ. 맺음말 - 대구 근대서화의 뿌리