최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재후보 학술저널

Research on Causes and Countermeasures of Juvenile SNS CYBER Verbal Abuse

  • 11

Teenage SNS cyber verbal abuse affect not only mental but also physical features of daily lives, bringing ex-periences of rage, demoralization and senses of outrage and humiliation. Juvenile SNS cyber verbal abuse may induce mental․physical in daily lives, as well as in school lives, critically harming the personality of a victim. The thesis aims at contemplating causes and countermeasures of cyber verbal abuse in juvenile SNS language uses in such a mobility society. Thus, observing the juvenile SNS usage state, the notion and types of cyber verbal abuse is proposed. Further, based on the context, causes and countermeasures of the juvenile SNS cyber verbal abuse are considered. The thesis suggests the causes of juvenile SNS cyber verbal abuse in terms of SNS media feature, internal characteristic of the juvenile and educational aspect. In addition, a campaign to eliminate school verbal abuse by the police, mentoring curriculum associated with each social institution and character education are revised in a societal manner, and langage education to pre-vent juvenile SNS verbal abuse in an educational manner as countermeasures against the juvenile SNS cyber verbal abuse. Guiding an appropriate direction for juvenile SNS language use in the mobility society, the thesis would con-tribute to discover a meaning in educational and sociocultural aspects. Moreover, the thesis would contribute to counteracting against juvenile SNS verbal abuse and to an adequate guidance of juvenile language uses.

1. Introduction

2. Juvenile SNS Language Use State

3. Notion and Types of Cyber Verbal Abusing

4. Causes and Countermeasures of Juvenile SNS Cyber Verbal Abuse

5. Conclusion
