International legal Review on the Withdrawal of UN F orces and USFK in terms of Termination of ARMISTICE R egime of the K OREAN Peninsula
- International Journal of Military Affairs
- vol.4 no.1
- : KCI등재후보
- 2019.03
- 1 - 4 (4 pages)
NORTH KOREA has claimed about dissolution of UN forces and withdrawal of USFK to induce early withdrawal of USFK by proposing a peace agreement with the United States. If a peace agreement is concluded to establish the peace regime on the Korean Peninsula, will the purpose of UN forces be disappeared and it be dissolved? There is a low possibility that UN forces will be dissolved in the armistice agreement regime, but if dissolved, how does it affect the parties of the armistice agreement? In addition, North Korea possibly demand the dissolution of US forces as well as the withdrawal of USFK if peace agreement is concluded. So we have to prepare for what logic we should respond to this.
1. Dissolution Issue of UN Forces com-mand
2. Withdrawal Issue of USFK
3. Conclusion