Transnational Security Threat and Change of COUNTERTERRORISM Intelligence Environment
- International Journal of Terrorism & National Security
- vol.4 no.1
- : KCI등재후보
- 2019.06
- 9 - 14 (6 pages)
The paradigm shift and the threat of transnational security that are facing the global security threats all over the world are causing changes in the existing intelligence environment. Especially due to the threat from North Korea s physical terrorism, cyber terrorism, ISIL, and the increase in the number of Koreans supporting it, the influx of refugees, international students and workers from Islamic countries, the possibility of terrorism in South Korea is expected to be a constant social phenomenon in the future. Considering the division of North and South Korea on the Korean Peninsula and the continuing provocations of North Korea, the subject of various terrorist attacks that threaten national security and the counterterrorism intelligence environment are areas where the precautionary aspect is emphasized. In addition, since the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States, the global terrorist response systems of major intelligence agencies and government bodies, including the United States, France, and Germany, have been changing laws and organizations, and discusses desirable col-laborative relationships. Changes in the objects of national security have diversified into religion, business, international relations, and people, including individuals, whose existing security objects were only the state, and the hierarchy in the na-tional security system. As the military threats of the Cold War era are reduced, the national security hierarchy is individualized and diversified according to the national environment and national consensus, and according to each country s position, the economic, environmental, food and social security preferential security policy issues. In addition, threats to national security are being generated from a range of complex and diverse sources, and threats from within can be a direct security threat to the post-Cold War era if predominantly military predomi-nance from external sources is a major security threat during the Cold War period. Individuals can also be the subject of security threats. Meanwhile, various threat agents such as terrorist organizations, international crim-inal organizations, drug trafficking organizations, and industrial espionage organizations are mass-producing, so it is necessary to review and thoroughly prepare national security factors.
1. Introduction
2. Meaning of the Change in Environment of Counterterrorism Intelligence
3. The Emergence of Transnational Security Threats
4. Diagnosis of the Possibility of Terrorism in Korea
5. Conclusion