최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

身体“躲藏”与形象建构 ——评严歌苓的『金陵十三钗』

Body “Hiding” and Image Construction ——on Yan Geling s The Flowers of War

DOI : 10.35222/IHSU.2019.38.2.29
  • 16

严歌苓作为优秀的海外华人作家,其创作的多变与成功,屡屡引起文坛轰动。 严歌苓以跨文化的视角考量东西方的历史文化,其作品对女性形象的建构与女性 命运的书写,尤其引人关注。严歌苓在《金陵十三钗》中塑造了一群在战时状态 中保全性命的妓女形象,这些妓女们面对战争,既有身体的躲避,也有身份的隐 藏,表现出开始的胆小莽撞、放浪沉沦,发展到流露善良真情最后主动献身牺牲 的无私伟大的边缘女性形象,由自私、风流低贱的“妖女”变化为善良复仇的“烈 女”及聪颖崇高的“圣女”,完成了独特的历史文学边缘女性形象建构。将文学历史 中的“妖女”、“烈女”和“圣女”的妓女形象融为一体,展现出立体化的妓女群像。 严歌苓的这种历史讲述和边缘女性形象创造与建构,都是超越历史和跨越国界的 永恒真诚的人性书写。

Yan Geling, as an excellent overseas Chinese writer, has caused a lot of sensation in the literary world due to the changeability and success of her works. Yan Geling considers the east and the west history and culture from a cross-cultural perspective. Her novel Flowers of war” in shaping the image of a group of prostitutes in wartime hiding, these prostitutes has both the escape of the body and the identity of the hidden. It shows the timid, reckless and unrestrained destruction at the beginning, develops to the selfless and great marginal female image that reveals kindness and true feelings, and finally takes the initiative to sacrifice herself. By the selfish, low and tasteful witch girl change to the kind revenge integrity and to the noble saint , completed the unique historical literature marginal female image construction. This will be show a three-dimensional portraits of prostitutes, integrate the witch girl and integrity and saints image of prostitutes in literature. Yan Geling s historical narration and the creation of female images on the edge are the eternal and sincere human writing that transcends history and borders.

I. 绪论

II. 既“躲”也“藏”

III. 不“躲”不“藏”

IV. “躲”而不“藏”

V. “藏”而不“躲”

Ⅵ. 结论
