최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

아웃도어 나일론 직물의 견뢰도 개선을 위한 고착처리 연구

A Study on Fixation Process to Improve Colorfastness of Nylon for Outdoor Clothing

  • 54

Nowadays, nylon is getting popular as a outdoor clothing because of various functions and comfortableness. As consumers put emphasis on diverse functions, the number of materials with high functionality has been increased. One of those materials is nylon laminated with films of polyurethane. However, one of its problems is poor colorfastness to washing and water, which is a very significant characteristic of outdoor apparel. To obtain good grade of colorfastness to washing and water, process of proper fixation is necessary. Hence, the overall results of how the fixation affected nylon s colorfastness were observed as below. 1. When the fixation process was done only one time, grade of nylon s colorfastness to washing and water was increased by an average of 0.5 grade. When the fixation process was done two times, it was increased by an average of 0.5~1 grade compared to fixation process one time. 2. When the dye-fixing agent was put on nylon for 2 times, its color difference hardly changed compared to the original one s. 3. Although the dye-fixing agent was applied on nylon for even 2 times to obtain better colorfastness, its color strength stayed almost the same as a nylon without fixation process. 4. Therefore, it was found out that applying dye-fixing agent, whose concentration is at least 4%, on nylon for two times is effective in order to acquire better colorfastness to washing and water.

Ⅰ. 서 론

Ⅱ. 실 험

Ⅲ. 실험 결과 및 고찰

IV. 결 론
