최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

Reflective Self-Assessment of English Presentations

  • 174

In spite of the benefits of English oral presentations on EFL learners proficiency and competence, English presentations have not obtained much attention as instructional medium in the field of English education. With the belief that EFL learners experience of English presentation performance can provide valuable insights for educators and researchers, this study intended to describe how EFL learners perceive their presentation performance through their reflective self-assessment. In particular, adopting Otoshi and Heffernen s (2008) rubric of evaluation, this study examined what a group of Korean EFL learners were concerned in regard to their presentation performances and how they evaluated them. The data collected were 41 reflective self-assessment papers written by 41 Korean college students. The papers were coded, categorized and interpreted. Findings showed that voice quality is the area the students in this paper were most concerned about. Negative evaluations of their presentation performance outweighed the positive evaluations except in the area of Power Point use. Lastly, rehearsal and visual aids education sessions as well as differentiating spoken and written English were suggested as instruction implications for educators.

1. Introduction

2. English Oral Presentation in EFL Context

3. Research Methods

4. Findings and Discussion

5. Conclusion
