최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

우리나라 고층건축화재의 문제점과 그 대책의 기본방향에 관한 연구

A Study on Problems of High-rise Building Fires in Korea and the Basic Directions for Fire Safety of High-rise Building Design

  • 19

Building become higher. larger and more complex than ever before, showing abrupt changes in building structures. forms and mechanical systems. Likewise hazads of fire and the scale of fire losses become more and more greater. Therefore. considerations for fire safety take up great portion of the building design process. In this study, problems of high-rise building fires and basic directions for fire safety of high-rise building design were studied through the statistical analysis of 138 fire cases. The results of this study are summarized as follows : ¡¤Most of the fires in high-rise building occur on the low floors and the fire frequencies are very low on the upper floors. Fire casualties are liable to be more on the upper floors than on tile floor of fire origin. ¡¤The important causes of evacuation failures were analyzed as being late in escape and lack of stairwell enclosures. ¡¤The main cause of vertical fire spread is lack of stairwell enclosures. However, the fire spreads mainly through the enterior windows in apartment houses. The combustible materials in buildings act on as the major factors of horizontal fire spread and the improper fire doors play role of another the critical causes. ¡¤The basic directions for fire safety of high-rise building design put much stress firstly on the compartmentation of the buildings effectively performing the provision of safe escape routes and the safe refuse places in buildings.
