신경회로망을 이용한 옥내배선의 트랙킹 검지 기법
Detection Technique of Tracking at Indoor Wiring using Neural Net work
- 한국화재소방학회
- 한국화재소방학회논문지
- Vol.9 No.1
- : KCI등재
- 1995.03
- 3 - 9 (7 pages)
This paper is a study to dectect the tracking owing to deterioration of indoor wiring, and to prevent the electrical fire. After analysing the harmonics of waveshapes in load current and tracking current by FFT, a method of identifying the tracking was developed by using neural network. Fluoscent lamp, witch was mostly used in indoor, was chosen as the load used in this study. When the learning number in neural network was more then 30,000 times, an excellent neural net-work which could correctly identify the tracking was established. Therefore, the result of this study can be utilized as a basic material in various measuring instruments, such as an hotline inslation tester, earth tester in vehicles, and tracking fire alarm device, witch can detect the tracking under the condition of hotline.