최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

재난관리조직의 실태분석과 발전방안

A Study on Practical Analyzing and Improving Disaster Management Organization of Korean Government

  • 39

재난관리업무 자체가 매우 복잡하고 각 부처간에 서로 연계되는 분야가 많아 여러 가지 어려움이 많지만 행정조직상으로 볼 때 재난관리업무가 분산되어 있으면서도 총괄 조정하는 기능이 미흡하고, 재난관리 담당인력이 부족할 뿐만 아니라 전문성도 결여되어 있고, 대개는 이들 부서들이 업무가 과중하여 기피하는 부서 정도로 인식되고 있는 실정이다. 특히 우리나라의 경우 재난을 크게 양분화하여 인위재난 및 자연재해를 분리하여 그 소관부서 및 법체계를 달리하고 있어 비효율적 재난관리체제를 취하고 있어 현재 미국에서의 재난이론의 개념 즉 "재난은 그 유형에 관계없이 계획, 수습 및 복구의 양태는 동일하다"는 원칙에 반하는 것이다. 그것은 지방자치제가 시행되면서 아직은 중앙과 지방의 역할이 불분명하거나 분명하더라도 서로 그 역할을 해 내기를 바라는 점은 철저한 계획수립과 점검으로 해결해 나가야 할 사항이다.

I. introduction. A government goal at the present is established to make a welfare nation and to keep people's safe living, but it is criticised that when a large-scale disaster happens, the authority concerned could not deal with it, causing many people injured and material damage. Moreover, in these days, cities have many risk factors. extremely large and intelligent building, industrial facilities and underground equipment have many risk themselves along with scientific progress. The cope with disaster effectively, government must have efficient organization, skillful personnel, tool, facilities and so on. To reduce the damages, what's the most effective government organization\ulcorner II. Government organization for managing disaster In a few decades, a large-sized accidents broke out in korea, for example, collapse of Sampoong department store, break of Sungso bridge, explosion of Daegu city gas, gas explosion accident at Ahyon-dong etc. but government has not any adequate disaster response organization. Especially, after collapse of Sampoong department store broke out, Disaster Management Act is enacted to solve the past problem. According to Disaster management Act, disaster is limited in manmaid disaster. Therefore, in this thesis, disaster management is inspected theoretically, organization of disaster management for pattern of disaster, and role, duty of government organization, emergency relief organization system and actual conditions are analyzed. there are some problems. there are trials and errors. the government has changed the disaster management organization by the disaster management law. the organization consists of central and local government. but both of government do not work together harmoniously. in thesis, I would like to introduce the advanced nations disaster management organization, and study our central, local government organization. III. Conclusion Change and development of the government disaster management organization is the goal
