최근 검색어 전체 삭제
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KCI등재 학술저널

화재화염이 유동 및 CO₂소화제 전달특성에 미치는 영향

The Effect of Fire Plume on the Characteristics of Air Flow and CO₂Extinguishant Transfer

  • 13

선박기관실과 유사한 공간내로 <TEX>$CO_2$</TEX>소화제를 분사했을 때 화재화염이 공기유동 및 <TEX>$CO_2$</TEX>소화제전달 특성에 미치는 영향을 분석하기 위하여 수치해석을 수행하였다. 노즐 위치에 따라 유동장과 <TEX>$CO_2$</TEX>농도장을 계산하였다. 한 경우를 제외한 모든 경우에서 시계방향과 반시계방향 재순환 유동이 노즐 좌, 우측영역에 형성되었으며, 이러한 재순환 유동이 질량전달과 <TEX>$CO_2$</TEX>소화제 확산경로에 큰 영향을 미치는 것을 알 수 있었다. 화재화염이 위치한 1층 영역에서는 <TEX>$CO_2$</TEX>소화제 확산경로가 재순환 유동 확장경로와 일치하였다.

To analyze the effect of fire plume on the characteristics of air flow and <TEX>$CO_2$</TEX>, extinguishant transfer when extinguishant is injected into a closed space similar to a marine engine room with fire plume, a numerical simulation on a space was performed. Flow fields and <TEX>$CO_2$</TEX>, concentration fields are calculated according with the variation of the location of nozzles. In all cases excepting the case of all nozzles located in the right side of ceiling, an counterclockwise & clockwise recirculation flow was found in the region of the right and left side of the nozzle on the second floor and such a recirculation flow greatly affected mass transfer and the diffusion process of <TEX>$CO_2$</TEX>, extinguishant. In the region of the first floor with fire plume, the diffusion process of <TEX>$CO_2$</TEX>, extinguishant was in agreement with the extension process of recirculation flow. It is considered that the result of this study can be useful to designing the arrangement of nozzles for the CO₂fire fighting equipments in a marine engine room.
