업무용 빌딩의 피난 성능 검토에 관한 연구
A Study on the Evacuation Performance Review for the Office Buildings
- 한국화재소방학회
- 한국화재소방학회논문지
- Vol.17 No.3
- : KCI등재
- 2003.09
- 1 - 6 (6 pages)
본 연구에서는 특정의 업무용 건축물에 대해서 화재 및 피난 시나리오를 선정하여 FAST 3.1.7(전실화재 예측), SIMULEX 32-bit(피난시간의 예측), JASMINE 3.25d(특정시간까지의 연기 유동성 평가)등의 S/W를 이용하여 이를 평가했으며 그 결과는 다음과 같다. Scenario #1 결과, 화재실에서 전실화재가 발생하지 않았고, 층 피난시간은 25.2 sec로 나타났으며 이때까지의 FAST 3.1.7결과에서 연기층은 2.4m를 기록, 연기유동성 평가에서도 재실자들은 연기의 피해(가시거리, 독성)없이 피난이 완료될 것으로 나타났다. Scenario #2 결과, 화재실에서 6 min 33.2 sec에 전실화재가 발생했으며, 수계산에 의한 피난시간은 5 min 23sec로 나타났다. 본 대상건물에 대해서 선정한 Scenario #1, #2 모두 인명안전설계는 적정하게 설계되었다고 판단된다.
In this study, it reviewed about evacuation performance of a specified Office Building. assessment tools is FAST 3.1.7 (Estimation of Flash Over, Estimation of Layer Height Down Flow Time), SIMULEX 32-bit (Estimation of Evacuation Time), JASMINE 3.25d. (Smoke Flow Assessment of a specified time) Result from Fire Scenario # 1, Flash Over is not generated in Compartment. Evacuation Time is estimated 25.2 sec by SIMULEX 32-bit. layer height until this time (25.2 sec) was estimated 2.4 m by FAST 3.1.7. After ignition until this time (25.2 sec), smoke was not release to the a corridor. In consequence, We concluded that people in building are completing the safe evacuation without the damage of smoke. Result from Fire Scenario # 1, Flash Over generated 6 min 33.2 sec in Compartment. Evacuation Time is estimated 1 min 25.5 sec by SIMULEX 32-bit. layer height down flow time is 1 min 40.8 sec by FAST 3.1.7 and 5 min 23 sec by theoretical calculation. Also, total building evacuation time was estimated 2 min 26.6 sec. After ignition until this time (2 min 26.6 sec), smoke released to the a corridor but it amount was few little. Therefore, generated smoke in compartment not effected to the people in buildings.