최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

스토리텔링(Storytelling) 마케팅을 활용한 주얼리 마케팅 연구

A Study on Jewelry Marketing through Storytelling Marketing Strategy

  • 207

Storytelling marketing strategy, which is recently widely adopted in business, especially advertisement and public relations field, impresses customers and excites their curiosity so that significantly contributes to the improvement of corporate images and the growth of sales. e-Pyeonhan Sesang (what a comfortable world it is) of Daelim Construction & Engineering, for example, conveys the message of building from the architect s heart where the difference of just 10cm makes a great difference to customers experience, which emphasizes that the house builders hearts are reflected in its architecture and structure. In the sense, the storytelling marketing plays a pivotal role to encourage and stimulate customers to accept products and services in a positive way. The study thus aims at exploring the ways to apply a storytelling marketing in jewelry marketing, examining the impact of storytelling marketing strategy on jewelry business by taking a reference to several cases. The author particularly seeks to investigate the storytelling marketing for J. ESTINA and its successful cases from diverse perspectives. In conducting the research, the author offers an implication of what the critical roles and essential strategies exist in jewelry marketing field by using a storytelling method based upon the successful cases of J. ESTINA.


Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 본론

Ⅲ. 결론

