증기누출사고의 영향평가에서 제트화재에 미치는 매개변수의 영향
The Effects of Parameters Affecting the Results in the Jet Fire for the Vapor Release Accident
- 한국화재소방학회
- 한국화재소방학회 학술대회논문집
- 1996년도 학술발표회
- 1996.11
- 53 - 56 (4 pages)
In order to propose the method of the consequence analysis for fire accidents by the heavy gas release and to obtain optimum conditions of parameter selections, the consequence analysis for jet fire by the accident of xylene vapor release were performed. And the effect and the sensitivity analysis of parameters affecting the consequence were investigated. Simulation results showed that important parameters affecting results of the xylene vapor release accident were mainly hole diameter, interested distance, wind speed, and so on. For the jet fire, the accident result and the sensitivity of thermal radiation were increased with the decrease of interested distance and the increase of hole diameters, and the accidental result was increased as the increase wind speed, but the sensitivity of thermal radiation was decreased.