Hot smoke test 를 위한 화염 제어 방법
Flame control method for hot smoke test
- 한국화재소방학회
- 한국화재소방학회 학술대회논문집
- 1996년도 학술발표회
- 1996.11
- 30 - 33 (4 pages)
This paper presents the technical basis for hot smoke test intended to investigate the effectiveness of smoke ventilation system in both high-rise building and those containing atria and/or galleria. Smoke is particularly serious hazard in these building in which considerable time is required for complete evacuation. It is widely recognised that the effectiveness of large smoke ventilation system can be difficult to confirm by a critical analysis of the system design calculation. Thus a hot smoke test is recently introduced through the experiences of many attempts. Diffusion flames used for hot smoke test have a higher flame length, so that those can not be applied to small compartment. Therefore the objective of this paper is introducing the method of flame control which can be applied to any size of compartment