커버이미지 없음
Introduction of Fire Research in China
Introduction of Fire Research in China
- 한국화재소방학회
- 한국화재소방학회 학술대회논문집
- 1997년도 International Symposium on Fire Science and Technology
- 1997.11
- 35 - 43 (9 pages)
Fire research is urgently needed so as to mitigate fire damage with moderate costs. A system of fire research consisting of basic research, applied research and development of new technology for fire prevention and protection is being formed in China. A general structure of organizations related to fire research is outlined. Typical research work in the State Key Lab of Fire Science is given as an example of fire research in China including: Field-Zone-Network modeling of building fire, mechanism of boilover, forest fire behavior, computer modeling of fire spread in micsogravity, and duality of fire rules and its application.