섬유종류 및 혼입량에 따른 고성능콘크트의 폭열저감에 관한 실험적 연구
An Experimental study on Reduction Effect to Explosive spalling of high performance concrete by Fiber Type and Volume Fraction of Fiber
- 한국화재소방학회
- 한국화재소방학회 학술대회논문집
- 2005년도 공동추계학술논문발표회 논문집
- 2005.11
- 81 - 85 (5 pages)
Recently, fire resistance of high performance concrete for explosive spalling was issued as high performance concrete was vulnerable to the explosive spalling in initial fire. Therefore, in this study, an experiment about reduction effect to explosive spalling of high performance concrete is performed by adding several polymer fiber with various volume fraction, an then final fiber and volume fraction of that which reduce the explosive spalling of high performance concrete is presented. As the result of this study, the most fitted fiber volume fraction of reducing effect for explosive spalling at high performance concrete is under the 0.1%, as consider the flowability and efficiency.