불활성계와 할로카본계 복합 소화약제 및 소화시스템 개발
Inert and Halogenated compounds Fire Fighting Agent And Fire Fighting System Research
- 한국화재소방학회
- 한국화재소방학회 학술대회논문집
- 2009년도 춘계학술논문발표회 논문집
- 2009.04
- 165 - 171 (7 pages)
A compound agent that mixes inert gas agents and halocarbon agents and a complex fire suppression system using the compound agent have been developed. The ultimate goal of this study is to develop the extinguishing agent which doesn't destroy the ozone layer and has low GWP and to develop the fire suppression system. As a result of the test and research for inert gas agents and halocarbon agents, nitrogen and FK-5-1-12 were selected finally and have been tested and studies for three years. Thus, the optimal extinguishing agent and fire suppression system have been accomplished. The performance of the agent and system was tested according to KFI performance test technical standards for gas fire extinguishing system and the fitness of the agent and system for a fire was certified by Korea Fire Industry Technology Institute (KFI).