4-5세기 니케아적 영성신학으로 살펴 본 아실(峨室) 나운몽의 영성
The Spirituality of Un-mong Na analysed by Nicene Spiritual Theology
- 한국세계문화사학회
- 세계역사와 문화연구
- 세계역사와 문화연구 제50집
- : KCI등재
- 2019.03
- 63 - 98 (36 pages)
In this study, I argue that the so-called ‘Yongmunsan Spirituality’ of Korea s representative ecumenical Holy Spirit activist Un-mong Na holds its position in the framework of the trinitarian spiritual theology. I exclusively used Un-mong Na’s own writings for dissecting his theories. As for the paradigm of Nicene spiritual theology of the 4th and 5th centuries, I look at On the Trinity of St Augustine, Life of Antony by Athanasius, and Praktikos by Evagrius Ponticus who was a pupil of the Cappadocian fathers as well as Apophthegmata. This research is divided in three parts. First, it is possible to obeserve the concept of purificatio and contemplatio both in the spirituality of Un-mong Na as well as in the Nicene spiritual theology based on the 8th verse of Matthew chapter 5: Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God . Second, the trinitarian spiritual theology launched out the notion of logismoi (generic thoughts) or the spiritual struggle with the devil in order to discuss the purificatio of the soul. Third, although Un-mong Na did not elaborate on the theory of generic thoughts, his spirituality has very similar aspects to the Nicene spiritual theology in that the role of tears is inseparable with the spiritual life, that greed and pride are linked to demonic activities, and that the soul can be purified through the Holy Spirit.
I. 머리말
II. 본론
III. 나가는말