최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

인재개발을 위한 e-비즈니스 분야 스킬 프레임워크

Study on Skills Framework for HRD in E-Business

  • 36

Skills Framework can be used as effective and methodical tool for HRD & HRM. It provides a reference model for the identification of the skills needed each industry sectors. It is a simple and logical two dimensional framework consisting of areas of work on one axis and levels of responsibility on the other. It uses a common language and a sensible, logical structure that can be adapted to the training and development needs of a very wide range of business-or simply used ’off the shelf”. So this paper makes mention of method, procedure and results of skills framework development for HRD & HRM in e-Business.


Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 스킬 프레임워크 개념 및 개발 사례

Ⅲ. e-비즈니스 스킬 프레임워크

Ⅳ. 스킬 프레임워크 활용 및 기대효과

