최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

태양광전원 연계시 배전계통의 고조파특성 분석

Analysis of Harmonic Characteristics of Distribution System Interconnected with PV

  • 18

As power systems have been deregulated and decentralized according to the technology development of small-scale distributed generators, PV systems have been actively interconnected and operated in distribution systems. Therefore, many power quality problems such as voltage variations and harmonic may be occurred, when PV systems are interconnected in distribution system. In order to analyze power quality problems like harmonics characteristics, this paper carries out analysis of current-harmonics characteristics in case of distribution system interconnected with the photovoltaic(PV) systems using the artificial test device and LabVIEW(S/W). From the simulation results, it is confirmed that this paper is effective tool for voltage analysis in distribution system with PV systems.

I . 서 론

II. 본 론

III. 결 론

