최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

전기장 부하에 따른 Carbon계 전기유동유체의 특성 고찰

Characteristics of and Carbon-based Electrᄋ- Rheological Rheological

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This thesis presents the experimental characteristics of Carbon-based ER fluid. In order to look into the Bingham behavior of these ER fluids, at no load and load into the ER effect in terms of the micro-structure were investigated. In addition, the relationship between the mechanical behavior under various conditions applied to the ER fluid shear mode, physical characteristics were investigated. Were measured by varying the experimental conditions, the electric field from lkV/mm to 3kV/mm, the rotational speed from 0 to 400rpm. Based on the results, each of the ER fluid behavior was completed using the Bingham model. Finally, change of conductivity depending on the temperature difference is investigated and the correlation with dynamic behavior of ER fluid were analyzed considering the characteristics of charge according to DC electric field.

I .서론

I I . ER유체의 구조 분석

III. ER유체의 Bingham 특성 및 전하 특성

IV. 결 론

