자연발효 방식으로 제조된 뽕나무(Morus Alba Linnaeus) 발효추출액의 랫드를 이용한 생체내 건강증진 기능의 평가
Evaluation of Health Improving Effects of Mulberry Fermented Extracts(ME) Using the SD-Rat
- 한국산업기술융합학회(구. 산업기술교육훈련학회)
- 산업기술연구논문지
- 산업기술교육훈련논문지 제19권 3호
- : KCI등재후보
- 2014.09
- 19 - 27 (9 pages)
The muIberry(Morus alba Linnaeus) products(rcx)t barks, leaves, fruits) have been used in traditional oriental medicine as an anti-inflammatory and anti-diabetic drugs. Recently, mounting evidence has shown that natural mulberry fermented extract(ME) is also beneficial to hyperlipidemia prevention effects. Depending on the above data, this study was conducted to evaluate the health improving effects(anti-diabetic and anti-hyperlipidemic activities) of the natural ME(root & fruits) including the sugar. For in vivo evaluation, blood chemical con^ositions analysis and anatomical observation using the SD(Sprague-Dawley) rats were applied. The results showed that animal body weight and blood cholesterol level were generally increased after ME treatment for 5 weeks, but the blood glucose level was lowered. These results suggested that ME express the blood glucose-lowering effects, but not that of cholesterol. The ME may have a potential for control diabetes and also health improving effect on the SD-rat.
I . 서 론
II. 재료 및 방법
III. 결과 및 고찰
IV. 결 론