최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

교실조명시스템 교체에 따른 소비 에너지 비교 분석

Comparative Analysis on Energy Consumption after Replacement of Lighting System in a Classroom

  • 4

It is required to accurately calculate, compare and analyze the energy consumption at this moment with the urgent need to reduce energy consumption due to the lack of fossil fuel in order to find out the approaches to reduce electrical energy consumption related to lighting system. This paper calculated, compared and analyzed the energy consumption of each system when LED lighting system, the new eco-friendly light source, replaced the existing lighting system using discharge lamps in the laboratory in H school. Furthermore, this paper calculated, compared and analyzed the energy which was saved by applying the daylight dimming to LED lighting system. Next, the economic feasibility of each system was assessed using the economic feasibility assessment tool. Finally, the initial facility expenses, maintenance cost and electric charges were compared and analyzed.

i . 서 론

II. 본 문

III. 결 론

