최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

수출용 주얼리 디자인개발에 관한연구 “기하학적 형태의 파베셋팅을 중심으로”

A Study on the Development of Export Jewelry Design “ Focused on Geometric Shapes Pavesetting”

  • 37

Currently, a total of branding or brand, while emerging market trends coordination painter Jewelry away from the recognition of the concept of good material and design according to the needs of a variety of changing fashion. The recent international financial crisis and the soaring price of gold jewelry industry overall diversified structural changes. This writer and fashion in response to changes in these industrial products to reflect the flow of the design and application of geometric shapes inspired jewelry by developing a competitive global market to realize jewelry brand was developed. Research method is proposed as follows. First, based on the literature review and data context of the contemporary art of the 20th century era of abstract expressionism and geometric forms represent the reality of the work of artists based on data analysis of the concepts of geometry and characteristics were investigated. Second, the technical aspects of setting paved techniques with a focus on techniques on existing practices, and through research and analysis of the image set design more sophisticated advanced techniques that can be applied effectively presented. Third, in terms of geometric figurative images were reconstructed by applying futuristic design.

ᅵ. 서 론

ᅵᅵ . 본 론

III. 작품제작

IV. 결 론

