최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

이동 단말기 환경에서 레터링 필드를 활용한 서비스 방법의 구현 및 사용

An Implementation and Use of Service Method by Using Lettering Field in Mobile Equipment Environment

Many Services based on Mobile equipment are already developed and operated. But the method for service delivery to user’s mobile equipment is only using the infrastructure of telecommunications conpany, or installing of application to each mobile equipment. The methods of using infrastructure of telecommunications corrpany have a limitation to service development and implementation. The methods of application installation to each mobile equipment need much time and money for environment setup. So, I want to propose a new service method that can use common by various service systems, and that can develop without support of telecommunications company. The name of service method is “Lettering field service method”. This method doesn’t need additional cost for development and can implement without help of telecommunications company. The installed mobile equipment client can use common by several services. I expect the content of this paper will do a technical reference for implementation of mobile equipment service environments.

ᅵ. 서 론

I I . 관련 사례 및 연구

III. 레터링 필드 활용 서비스

IV. 적용 방향

V. 평가 및 결론

