최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

주파수 도약 시스템에서 Multi-Tone을 이용한 Frequency & Phase Shift Key Modulation 방법에 대한 연구

A Study on the Methods of Frequency & Phase Shift Key Modulation Using Multi-Tone for Frequency Hopping System

This paper, we designed a network in terms of bandwidth efficiency is primarily designed for non-performance of anti-jamming frequency-hopping system, which is mainly used in the method of single tone or two tone M-ary FSK, PSK modulation scheme to improve the limited bandwidth and power within the conventional M-ary FSK or PSK modulation method for high-speed data transmission Frequency & Phase Shift Keying Modulation method proposed and analyzed the operating principle.

I . 서 론

II. 본 론

III. 결 론

