최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

직업교육훈련과 일반계고 직업교육 위탁과정에 대한 이론적 고찰

Theoretical Study on VET and Consigned Training Course of General High School

  • 190

It has been almost 40 years since the Vocational Training Act was legislated and consigned vocational education system was set up in Korea. Most of the studies so far have only been conducted on surveys on satisfaction levels with vocational training curricula, status of managing vocational training courses, and career counseling for high school students under entrusted vocational education courses, ets. These days, however, the modem society requires vocational education with new paradigms to respond to rapid changes of modem times. And, we are faced with a time when we need vocational education responding rapidly to national policies which focus on building a society based on one s ability than scholarship, and changes in foreign environment. In this study, the notion of vocational education is redefined through the theoretical investigation into it, and problems and their improvement measures are proposed after analyzing the current situation of entrusted vocational education for general high schools.

I . 서 론

II. 본 론

III. 결 론

