최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

외기온도를 고려한 지역난방 제어특성 해석

Analysis of Control Characteristics in District Heating System according to the Outdoor A ir Temperature

  • 18

The objectives of this study are to compare with two typical control method exanples, Set supply temp, control and Outdoor reset control. Those controls are widely used for district heating system. It has carried out by using dynamic analysis program, TRNSYS. Base model is the solar lab. located at KHU and compared also two test conditions, room temp, control or not. Results show that Outdoor reset control method was not only able to save heating energy until 9.9% but also get lower return temp, at secondary loop than the other method. As follow the results, applying Outdoor reset control with optical supply temp, control to district heating system can reduce heat quantity input than needed and also improve thermal comfort of heating.

I . 서 론

II. 시뮬레이션 모델링 및 방법

III. 계산결과 및 분석

IV. 결 론

