최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

질소용기의 압력을 이용한 수도배관 세척시스템 효율화 방안 연구

Efficient Cleaning System of Water Pipe Using a Pressure of Nitrogen Vessel

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In this study, using a pressure of nitrogen vessel was to seek more efficient cleaning system of water pipe. Scale, sludge and rust are generated inside of pipe depending on years of pipe used, frequency of use, the kind of pipes. It was studied the experiment of aging pipe(more lOyears) for the cleaning and process of the efficient water pipe cleaning system In this study, selected nitrogen in order to remove foreign matter because it is inert gas contact with the air and water is not a chemical reaction. In addition to it is not danger of corrosion and explosion, and possible to ensure safety on pipe rupture. The injection pressure of the cleaning water pipes is 35〜40kg/cnf at a constant pressure and was performed repeatedly 3~4 times. As a result, it was obtained the effect of cleaning more than 80% sludge, rust, scale of the aging pipe. These cleaning methods have been tried for the first time in this country. In addition, according to this study could find the possible to the cleaning house pipe of less than 20years. But in the case of apartments and villas with over 25years overall is low use the water, so a lot of rust in the pipe line co-occurrence of the cleaning effects of the pipe was found to be falling. Therefore if a minimum of 10 cleaning-year cycle will be very effective. In this study, using a pressure of nitrogen vessel through the pipe cleaning system equipment’ to conplement the problems of the practical efficiency has been to increase the level of performance.

I . 서 론

I I . 연구배경

III. 실험장치 및 방법

IV. 실험결과 및 고찰

V. 결론

