철계 분말야금 성형 시 정밀도 및 경도에 미치는 합금원소의 영향
The Effects of the Alloy Elements of the Precision and Hardness of the Iron-based Sintering Process
- 한국산업기술융합학회(구. 산업기술교육훈련학회)
- 산업기술연구논문지
- 산업기술교육훈련논문지 제19권 3호
- : KCI등재후보
- 2014.09
- 277 - 284 (8 pages)
In this study, the effects of the carbon and copper contents on the property change of the Iron-based sintering process was investigated, and the results are as follows; The expansion ratio of sintered products became smaller as the particle size of carbon became finer, and which permit facile control of the product size. The increased carbon content have same effects. Hence, it is necessary to use proper particle size of carbon to get precision sintered products. In that case, hardness of the products was also improved and the quantity of free copper became higher. After sintering reaction, a small amount of diffused copper were still existed interstitially in iron.
I . 서 론
II. 실험 방법
III. 실험 결과 및 고찰
IV. 결 론