Until now, the study of Gangwon area history was generally focused on studying the specificity of the area. The field of research has been concentrated in specific fields due to the concentration of research human resources and the development of lukewarm research subjects. In recent years, it is difficult to expect a quantitative and qualitative increase in regional research results, as the successive generations of scholars are not cultivated smoothly. The study of Gangwon area history research should basically start from the viewpoint of publicizing and recognizing the historical legitimacy of the area. Local history research is not exclusive to those who live in the area or who serve in local universities. In the 1990s, the results of Gangwon area history research have been widely published with the expansion of professional researchers. In addition, local universities, cultural institutes, and cultural organizations jointly held regular academic seminars and continued to publish research results. Therefore, Gangwon area history researchers need to analyze various causal factors in the area and expand the construction more widely, get out of the way of studying local history with limited research units. In order to overcome this phenomenon, Gangwon area history research should be pursued in the following direction. First, researchers and related organizations need to make efforts to ensure that the conferences are held continuously. Second, local educational institutions should have a firm perception that regional research is important. And it must be practiced faithfully. Third, local universities and municipalities should cooperate with each other in building a system to share local research results. The shared research results should be used as a resource for local history education.
Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 성과 현황과 추이
Ⅲ. 저서에 대한 성과 분석
Ⅳ. 논문에 대한 성과 분석
Ⅴ. 맺음말-提言-