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KCI등재 학술저널

이슬람국가(IS)의 이중적 이념 구축: 동원과 타자화의 질적 분석을 중심으로

Duplex Ideology Manufacturing of the Islamic State (IS) Based on Qualitative Analysis of Mobilization and Otherization

  • 48

Even if the Islamic State(IS) has virtually disappeared some remnants are likely to continue terror attacks throughout Iraq and Syria, and in the Middle East and Western societies. Moreover, the ideology prevailed by this organization, Daeshism, seems to influence other radical Islamist groups for some time. Thus, it is imperative that academia and policy-makers grasp the reality and function of the idea of IS. This study attempts to explore how the ideology of IS is formed and what function it has through examination of Dabiq internet Magazine produced by this organization. This study assumes that IS has a tendency of political rebellion unlike al-Qaeda. Therefore, in order to understand the reality of IS, it is necessary to explore its ideology through functionalism from a deeper and multifaceted approach. To analyze the radicalism of IS in the dual process model of ideology and prejudice proposed by Chris G. Sibley and John Duckitt, this study examines the hypothesis that IS constructs a dual idelological system of mobilization and otherization, and uses it politically. In order to demonstrate the dual ideological system of IS and its functions, this study analyzes 4 issues of Dabiq. The co-occurrence of words and word clusters in KH Coder clusters program will be used to explain the dual ideological formation process of the main subject words in the IS publicity materials. If the IS entity is understood more specifically by understanding the process of formation of this ideology, it will be positively possible for the international community to prevent and respond to the rise of similar organizations in the future.

Ⅰ. 들어가는 말

Ⅱ. IS 연구의 종교적 접근

Ⅲ. IS 이념의 이중적 기능

Ⅳ. 이중적 담론의 주제별 기능

Ⅴ. 맺음말

참 고 문 헌
