최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

한국 개신교 선교단체의 타끼야 인식

Korean Protestant Missionary Group’s Perception of Taqiyya

  • 25

This study researches the Korean Protestant missionary group’s perception of Taqiyya doctrine. Korean Protestantism perceives Taqiyya doctrine as a method to arouse Islamophobia within Korean society. In other words, they understand that Taqiyya doctrine is a ‘camouflagic strategy not to expose the status of Muslims’, and they perceive that Muslims penetrate Korean society through this doctrine for the purpose of spread of Islam. However, simply understanding Taqiyya doctrine as a ‘camouflagic strategy not to expose the status of Muslims’ is originated from lack of knowledge, ignorance, and prejudice towards Islam. Thus, this study aimed to understand Taqiyya doctrine, and also to dispel some Korean Protestants’ worries about that this doctrine would be used as a missionary strategy for the purpose of Islamization of Korea. ChapterⅡ of this thesis handled the understanding of the concept of ‘Taqiyya’. Even though some Protestants and missionary groups against Islam regard ‘Taqiyya doctrine’ as a ‘camouflagic strategy to hide their doctrine and identity’, it would be necessary to understand the accurate concept of ’Taqiyya’ and the historical background of this doctrine aiming to hide their identity and protect their religion. ChapterⅢ handled Taqiyya mentioned by Quran and Hadith. The belief in Taqiyya and the attitude to accept it are different in each denomination of Islam. Even though Taqiyya is a doctrine mostly used in Shia, Sunni also shows some responses to Taqiyya. ChapterⅣ handled Taqiyya understood by Korean Protestantism. Some Protestants, and ministers and people related to missionary groups who are worried about the spread of Islam in Korea perceive Taqiyya as one of the Islamic missionary methods in Korea, and they are spreading wrong information through mass media like internet and religious media for the purpose of spreading Islamophobia within Korea. However, in the aspect of thoughtlessly delivering wrong information to the public without accurate explanation of Taqiyya doctrine, it would be necessary to understand it correctly. This study suggests to seek for the coexistence by perceiving Islamophobia rooted in Korean society not in the exclusive attitude toward a specific religion, but in the mutually-cooperative attitude, by improving the understanding of Islam in the multicultural and globalized Korean society.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 타끼야 개념 이해

Ⅲ. 꾸란과 하디스에서의 타끼야

Ⅳ. 한국에서 이해하는 타끼야

Ⅴ. 결론

참 고 문 헌
