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KCI등재 학술저널

하동 천년차나무의 엽록체 유전체 분석

Chloroplast Genome Analysis of Hadong Cheon-nyeon Cha (Camellia sinensis L.)

DOI : 10.29225/jkts.2019.25.2.55
  • 96

차세대염기서열(NGS) 분석과 illumina sequencing 기술을 활용하여 하동 천년차나무의 엽록체 유전체 서열을 조사하고 NCBI에 등재된 차나무 11종의 염기서열을 비교하였다. 생산된 총 염기서열은 156 Gbp, GC 비율은 38.3%로 식물에서 전형적으로 나타나는 분포를 보였다. 등록된 11종의 서열에 mapping하여 확보한 최종 엽록체 서열은 157,025 bp를 확인하였다. 이 서열에 대한 유전자 예측결과 총 166개의 유전자를 확인하였고 이중 단백질 암호화 유전자의 평균 길이는 2.4 kb, 비암호화 유전자는 40개 정도였다. Circle map 구조는 다른 11개 서열과 거의 동일하였으며, 염기서열의 크기에서 근소한 차이를 보였다. Phylogenetic tree로 근연관계를 확인해본 결과 대엽종(assamica)인 JQ975030.1, MH394407.1~MH394410.1과 뚜렷한 차이를 보였으며, Longjing 43 (GenBank : KF562708.1)과 유사하였다. 중국 차나무 품종은 GenBank에 등록되어 있어 비교가 가능하였으나 일본 품종 중에 등록된 것은 없어 Yabukita, Hushun, Samidori 등의 엽록체 유전체 분석을 추가로 실시하여 하동천년차나무와 일본 차나무 품종의 근연관계를 추가로 연구하고자 한다.

In this study, we present the results of performing the chloroplast genome analysis of the Hadong Cheon-nyeon cha (HCNC), Camellia sinensis var. sinensis (CSS), and we achieved this by employing illumina sequencing technology. The total nucleotide sequence of 156 Gbp was sequenced and the size of the genome was measured by k-mer analysis, and was found to be about 3,109 Mbp. The sequence corresponding to the chloroplast was obtained, and the analysis was performed again to finally complete the chloroplast of 157,025 bp. The chloroplast had 126 protein coding genes with an average length of 2.4 kb and 40 non-coding RNA. It was confirmed that there were almost no structural differences from the 11 NCBI registries and there was only a difference in the nucleotide sequence. As a result, HCNC was clearly distinguished from assamica (GenBank JQ975030.1, MH394407.1~ MH394410.1), and HCNC was most similar to KF562708.1. The GenBank registered KF562708.1 is one of the Chinese representative varieties knows as Longjing 43. Although the Chinese tea cultivars were registered in GenBank and they were compared with the HCNC, the Japanese cultivars were not registered in there. Further analysis of chloroplast genomes such as Yabukita, Hushun and Samidori were conducted to further investigate the relationship between the HCNC and Japanese tea cultivars.

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