The purpose of this study is to conduct research on ‘the sharing of the temporal goods of the Church’ through the teachings of the code of canon law. Can. 222 § 2 of the current code of canon law states that “Christ’s faithful are also obliged to promote social justice and, mindful of the Lord’s precept, to help the poor from their own resources.” In this study, we first studied the classical law and the second Vatican Council literature and the old code(1917) that talks about sharing goods. The concepts of ‘common reserve’(c. 1274, § 4), ‘common life’(c. 280) and ‘simple way of life’(c. 282 § 1) that appeared in the current canon law were then compared and analyzed. In particular, we looked first at the formation of laws on ‘promoting social justice’ and ‘duty to help the poor from their own resources’ as stated in the current code of canon law. We also looked specifically at theological implications of the clause. The expression ‘obligation(duty)’ mentioned in can. 222. § 2 of the code is rooted in natural law. This ‘obligation(duty)’ is accepted by all, but for christians who have been baptized, there is a priority and a special obligation. ‘Promoting social justice’ and ‘practicing compassion for the poor’ inevitably call for sharing goods. These demands are, above all, preferentially and intrinsically working for Christians who must live with evangelical missions. Christians include clerics. Therefore, not only the members of the consecrated living community who vow poverty, but also the clergy who are invited to voluntarily choose poverty, should refrain from vanity and extravagance in the use of goods. And clerics should help the poor in the use of goods.
들어가는 말
Ⅰ. 재화의 나눔
1.1. 공동기금
1.2. 공동 생활
1.3. 검소한 생활
1.4. 교부들의 가르침
Ⅱ. 사회 정의의 증진과 가난한이들을도와줄 의무
2.1. 사회 정의의 증진
2.2. 법전 제222조 2항의 법제화 과정
2.3. 법전 222조 2항 해석
나오는 말