자아성취감과 몰입 매개요인을 통한 모바일게임 만족도 영향요인의 실증적 연구
An Empirical Study on Influencing Factors of Mobile Game Satisfaction through Mediating Factors of Self-fulfillment and Flow
- 한국IT서비스학회
- 한국IT서비스학회지
- 한국IT서비스학회지 제18권 제2호
- : KCI등재
- 2019.06
- 17 - 35 (19 pages)
The objective of this study is to extract affecting factors on game satisfaction of a mobile game through the two mediated variables, self-fulfillment and flow. To apply mobile environment changed into the research model of a mobile game, we classify independent factors into three types such as system characteristics, cognitive characteristics, and individual characteristics. The previous studies for using mobile game have been based on intrinsic motivation, such as flow, as a mediated factor. However, the flow variable has some limitations in explaining user satisfaction aspects of mobile game, and the self-fulfillment variable is popularly used as an important mediated factor in the field of sports science. Because users of mobile game often attain their goals as sports event, we utilize self-fulfillment as well as flow as mediated variables. We developed a research model that includes independent factors, mediated variables of self-fulfillment and flow, and a dependent variable of game satisfaction. The data were collected from 438 users of mobile game and were used for analysis. Based on the survey results, we found the followings: (1) Immediate connectivity, enjoyment, relationship, early adopter tendency, and competitiveness affect self-fulfillment, and self-fulfillment affects the flow. (2) Enjoyment and competitiveness affect self-fulfillment, flow, and game satisfaction simultaneously.
1. 서 론
2. 이론적 배경
3. 연구설계
4. 연구방법
5. 실증분석 및 가설 검증
6. 연구결과 요약과 시사점