최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음

기업가정신 교육과 상사신뢰가 경영성과에 미치는 영향

  • 86

This study aims to explore how entrepreneurship education and trust in leader interacts with intrapreneurship in promoting management performance of companies, for further study of intrapreneurship which has attracted considerable attention in today’s world. For achieving the goal of the study, and proposing study hypotheses, this article reviewed major literatures, prior researches on the subjects of intrapreneurship, entrepreneurship education, leader trust and management performance. The researcher tested and analyzed the sample which was collected from 288 employees of the 38 companies statistically to verify the hypotheses. The main results of this study are the followings. First, it appeared that entrepreneurship education had a positive effect upon the intrapreneurship. Second, the questions from trust in supervisor evaluated the outcome and relationship with affective management performance, where intrapreneurship was positively related to management performance. Third, the mediating effects of intrapreneurship was found between all component factors of entrepreneurship education, trust in supervisor and management performance. As a result of the study, the following implications were recognized. First, intrapreneurship is still on progress to a systematic theory phase, and has rooms for further development of study. Second, the degree of management performance appears high in case was found that the degree of intrapreneurship increases. Consistent with this perspective on the facilitative effect of trust in supervisor, positive work outcomes and management performance will follow when employees trust their leaders. Third, intrapreneurship takes a mediating role among entrepreneurship education, leader trust and management performance, which means that a structural mechanism exists between them. In addition, it is clear that high trust in supervisor and correct entrepreneurship education lead employees focus on management performance through intrapreneurship, these results will contribute companies to strengthen its competitiveness and to achieve its business target.

1. 서론

2. 연구배경과 가설설정

3. 실증분석

4. 결론
