The position of a finite verb depends on languages. It is located in the v* domain in such a language as English, in the TP domain in such a language as French and in the CP domain in such a V2 language as Swedish. In this article, after showing that verb movement occurs in the syntax, we argue that the parametric difference of verb inflection and movement is attributed to whether T and V in each language are specified to Category. A finite verb in French moves to T after a fully inflected verb is merged in VP whereas a finite verb in English does not move to T due to the fact that T and V are not specified to Category. On the other hand, in Swedish a finite verb moves to C because there is no TP projection in such a language as Swedish. Thus in this article a finite verb moves to T or C according to the status of non-phase categories of T and V.
1. 서론
2. 동사이동의 층위
3. 동사이동의 원인
4. Chomsky(2013, 2015)와 매개변인
5. 결론