최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

D-Linking Effects of Scrambling

  • 22

This paper asks why scrambling is recognized as transparent movements in showing the remedy effect on the intervention phenomenon (e.g. LF -intervention effects, island effects, Weak Crossover effects). Focusing on the non-trivial fact that scrambling induces D-linked interpretation in wh -questions, I analyze scrambled elements with the same perspective to D-linked ones. When a wh -word is scrambled, as a D-linking effect, its base copy is inactive (incomplete before [+D] is realized) and its higher copy is active as the complete copy (complete at the outer vP,Spec or TP,Spec). Under this new analysis, we can account for well why scrambling across offending interveners is legitimate. Further, it provides a new perspective on scrambling.

1. Introduction

2. Scrambling and D(iscourse)-Linking

3. The Late Merge of [D(-Linking)] Features

4. Concluding Remarks
