병원에서의 가습기살균제 노출 사례 연구: 4차 가습기살균제 피해 신청자를 중심으로
Case Studies of Exposures to Humidifier Disinfectant in Hospitals: Focusing on the Exposure Assessment of the Fourth Round of Applicants
- 한국환경보건학회
- 1. 한국환경보건학회지
- 제45권 제4호
- : KCI우수등재
- 2019.08
- 358 - 369 (12 pages)
Objective: This study aimed to introduce cases of exposure to humidifier disinfectant (HD) in hospitals and to present their exposure characteristics. Methods: We used data from 4,393 subjects who participated in the fourth assessment survey of environmental exposure to HD conducted by the Korea Environmental Industry & Technology Institute. In this study, we selected 301 subjects who reported their place of use of HD as a hospital. Then, we classified cases as ‘Hospitalprovided’. ‘Probably hospital-provided’, ‘Individual purchased’, and ‘Unknown’ according to the supply sources of HD. Also, we introduced detailed exposure characteristics for the selected cases. Results: Of the 4,393 subjects, 301 (6.9%) reported the use of HD in 392 hospitals (including duplicate answers for the use in ≥2 hospitals). The 301 hospital-user subjects included 139 survivors and 162 non-survivors. When we classified the 392 cases by supply sources, ‘Hospital-provided’ was 12.2% (48 cases), ‘Probably hospitalprovided’ was 25.5% (100 cases), ‘Individual purchased’ was 59.7% (234 cases), and ‘Unknown’ was 2.6% (10 cases). Among the ‘Hospital-provided’ cases, we selected six cases and provided a detailed description of the HD use in this study. Additionally, we reported details for six cases that had purchased HD upon a doctor or nurse’s recommendation and for three cases that had purchased it at hospital stores. Conclusion: This study presents various cases of HD exposure in hospitals. Because there may be a considerable burden of HD exposure in public spaces, including hospitals, further studies are necessary to assess HD exposure in hospitals and public places.
I. 서 론
II. 연구방법
III. 연구결과 및 고찰
IV. 결 론