Despite the necessity of inquiry into the relationship between crime and life satisfaction, this study conducted a multi-level analysis through a hierarchical linear model including various community environmental variables such as crime rate, considering the lack of empirical research in Korea. As a result, only specific fear of crime was negatively associated with life satisfaction whereas crime victimization, general fear of crime and crime rate were not found to be significantly related to life satisfaction. This negative effect of specific fear of crime on life satisfaction decreased in the area where the arrest rate was high. In addition, the perceived disorder had a negative effect on life satisfaction, while the community attachment as well as collective efficacy and trust in the police positively affected life satisfaction. At the regional level only the police substations was significantly and positively associated with life satisfaction, this positive effect was greater in the low-income group. Regarding cross-level interaction effects, the positive effects of community attachment and collective efficacy on life satisfaction were greater in the area where more police substations were placed. Also, the number of police substations and disposition of notification against the Minor Offenses Act were positively associated with life satisfaction in the group with low satisfaction, whereas specific fear of crime and perceived social disorder were negatively associated with life satisfaction in the group with high satisfaction. Based on the results, policy recommendations including the enhancement of arrest rate, the application of various crime prevention strategies to reduce fear of crime, the restoration of trust to police, the reinforcement of police response to disorder and the expansion of police substations were suggested, the limitations of the study were also discussed.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 이론적 배경
Ⅲ. 연구방법
Ⅳ. 분석결과
Ⅴ. 논의 및 결론