최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

村上春樹『ダンス·ダンス·ダンス』における現&#23455;感&#35226; <&#26087;·いるかホテル>と&#65378;新·いるかホテル&#65379;の比較を中心に

The Sense of Reality in Haruki Murakami’s Dance Dance Dance A Comparison of the “former Dolphin Hotel” and the “New Dolphin Hotel”

  • 52

The purpose of this paper is to examine the root causes of the weak sense of reality in Boku, the main character in Murakami’s novel Dance Dance Dance. By exploring the history of the “New Dolphin Hotel”, which burdened the former Dolphin Hotel, the present study reveals the character of the “New Dolphin Hotel” as an “objective correlative” of “advanced capitalist society.” Considering the fact that the ‘New Dolphin Hotel’ was built by computer simulations and by using the monopoly of information and interests of collusive ties between politics and big business, it seems that the causes of political apathy lie in the replacement of a moral standard with the logic of consumer society. It is this state of advanced capitalism that leads to Boku’s weak sense of reality.

Ⅰ. はじめに

Ⅱ. 夢の中のいるかホテル

Ⅲ. <&#26087;&#12539;いるかホテル>の消滅

Ⅳ. シミュラ&#12540;クルとしての&#65378;新&#12539;いるかホテル&#65379;

Ⅴ. &#65378;高度資本主義社&#20250;&#65379;の<客&#35251;的相&#38306;物>としての&#65378;新·いるかホテル&#65379;

Ⅵ. おわりに
