최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

Лев Толстой: свидетельство-жест и утверждение веры

Leo Tolstoy: Evidence-Gesture and Statement of Faith

DOI : 10.24958/rh.2019.19.201
  • 14

This article analyzes the works of Leo Tolstoy in the current critical context. The author of this article completes the idea of Tolstoy through the concept of a witness as a writer and thinker to the already existing interpretations of his personality and heritage (the philosophy of non-resistance to evil, the mirror of the Russian revolution, the spiritual holy fool). Such a movement makes it possible to rise above one-sided assessments and ideas and come to a holistic understanding of Tolstoy s work. To substantiate his position, the author applies the concepts of gesture, letter, evidence, deed. The event of the thought of Leo Tolstoy is worth considering in a special kind of overconsistency - at the base of a complex for understanding plurality, it is necessary to find a principle of life that is fundamentally ontologically rooted in social being. And the fact that Tolstoy conducts a dialogue not only with images and heroes of Russian and European culture, but also with “Vostok” (Vedas, Buddha, Confucius, Zarathushtra, Lao-Tse), makes his testimony spherically addressed to the whole world. We can say that Tolstoy in his work approaches the solution of the questions of philosophical anthropology and ethics that are extremely significant for the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, which is presented in aesthetic form. In the space of various interpretations of Tolstoy s work, the author of the article identifies existential and religious constants that imply the creation of a special subject-witness. Thus, the legacy of the writer and thinker Tolstoy acquires special relevance in the culture of modernity.

Ⅰ. Введение

Ⅱ. 1. Конфликт интерпретаций

2. Творчество как свидетельство: поверх противоречий

Ⅲ. Заключение
