Право на признание: от «человеческого документа» к эго-литературе (М. Башкирцева – М. Шкапская – Е. Бакунина)
Right to Confession: From the “Human Document” to Ego-Literature (M. Bashkirtseva- M. Shkapskaya - E. Bakunina)
- 충북대학교 러시아 알타이지역 연구소
- 러시아학
- 러시아학 제19호
- : KCI등재
- 2019.08
- 233 - 254 (22 pages)
The article discusses the historical and literary transformations of the concept “human document” in connection with changes in the configurations of the literary field during the transition to modernism. The article analyzes the receptions by contemporaries of the “Diary” by Maria Bashkirtseva, the intimate lyric poetry of Maria Shkapskaya and the auto-fiction prose of Yekaterina Bakunina. We show that this concept, which initially legitimized the new literary method, is turned into a repressive tool of literary policy. It is emphasized that the confessional diary forms of the “female writting” serve as a provocative impulse to the emerging controversies about the status of the “human document” and its correlation with what is currently understood as “literature”. The literature on the move from naturalistic factography to the diverse forms of modernist autobiography revealed new “hybrid” genres, which made it possible to combine heterogeneous elements: document and fiction, metadiscription and traditional novel narration, “bare” fact and autofictionality. Thus, the literary space radically changed and new opportunities for writing and a more in-depth understanding of the person opened up.
Ⅰ. Введение
Ⅱ. 1. Страсти по Марии: вокруг «Дневника» Марии Башкирцевой
2. «Сама по себе»: победы и поражения поэтессы Марии Шкапской
3. Екатерина Бакунина: на путях к автофикциональности
Ⅲ. Заключение