최근 검색어 전체 삭제

The Chicken Value Chain Ecosystem in La Union, Philippines: Trade Challenges and Prospects

DOI : 10.22447/jatb.6.1.201906.51
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The study presents the profile and relationship dynamics of actors involved in chicken value chain as well as the characterization, trade challenges and opportunities of the chicken value chain ecosystem in La Union, Philippines. Descriptive surveys were utilized and results were evaluated using World Bank Group’s Agricultural Value Chain Ecosystem, cost-return analysis, relationship dynamics and profitability analysis. Results reveal two chains for broiler, eight chains for layer and three chains for native chicken. Value-added analysis reflects the intermediaries engaged in ready-to-consume meals from chicken products have the highest values. These include eateries, local restaurants, night market vendors and fried chicken vendors. Profitability analysis showed that intermediaries preparing ready-to-consume meals gained the most per kilogram of broiler meat or per piece of egg. Broiler and layer farms and wholesalers have smaller net return per chicken and per egg, but gained the most because of product volume. The current situation poses challenges and prospects that the different actors in the chicken value chain could address and take advantage of. Recommendations include contract growers to continuously abide with the terms set by integrators. Broiler and layer farms with conventional housing must invest in tunnel ventilation and intermediaries in facilities and equipment to ensure quality of chicken products. With the high potential provided by native chicken, raisers must adopt an entrepreneurial mindset. Government interventions include capacity building, financial support, research and development for the three sub-sectors, as the product is a commodity which contributes to food supply stability and employment.

Ⅰ. Introduction

Ⅱ. Overview of the Industry

Ⅲ. Review of Literature

Ⅳ. Theoretical and Analytical Framework

Ⅴ. Methodology

Ⅵ. Results and Discussion

Ⅶ. Summary and Conclusion

Ⅷ. Recommendations
