최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

근세 지식인 가이바라 에키켄(貝原益軒)의 기행문 속 지리지식과 여행의 의의* – 학문관과 여행 방식을 단서로 -

The Significance of Geographical Knowledge and Travel in his Travel Writings of Kaibara‐Ekiken, Known as an Intellectual in the Edo Period - Using Clues to Academic Views and the Way to Travel -

  • 35

本稿は近世初期、大衆のため多数の地理書や紀行文を著した貝原益軒の 知識や学問に対する考え方がどのように紀行文にて適用されたかを見て、 彼の旅する方法と意義を考察したものである。益軒は旅行をして学問する 方法を提示している。単なる旅行先の情報にとどまらず、旅行中に向き合 う知識をどう接するべきか、という旅行の仕方であった。 木曽地路木 と 西北紀行 を中心に記述内容を考察した結果、第一に、地方特有の地勢、 気候、土産、動植物など多様にわたって、今まで未知のものを五感を通じ て経験してから自分の新しい知識とする。第二に、見聞にとどまらず、知 識や情報の正しさを確認するよう、綿密に観察や観測して調べ、実証を行 う。具体的には、自らの見聞や旅路中出会う地元の人々との問答など多様 な方法を通じて得られたものを体系的に整理する。また人の云う言葉を記 録しながらも、その是非を問い詰め、自分なりの見解を示す。益軒には、 旅行とは直ちに知識を拡大しながら知識の是非を確認する実践的知識行為 であったのである。

This article examines the method and significance of his travels, seeing how the idea for the knowledge and study of Kaibara Ekiken(貝原益軒), who wrote many geographical books and writings for the early Edo period. Traveling was significant for Ekiken as a practical act to ask immediately what they suspect and what they want to know and also to think for oneself. After examining the descriptions of “Kisojinoki(木曾路之記)” and “Seihokukikou(西北紀行)”, he first presents his own knowledge of experience through senses. There were a variety of local lands, climates, native products, animals and plants that he had not experienced, and these unfamiliar things were expanded into new knowledge through senses. Second, Ekiken examined and demonstrated the actuality through close observation to verify the accuracy of knowledge and information. As a result, for Ekiken, it was immediately clear that the trip was an actionable knowledge act to expand and verify knowledge.

1. 머리말

2. 에키켄의 학문관과 기행문에의 적용

3. 에키켄의 여행 방식

4. 맺음말
