최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

굿을 활용한 창작공연의 일본 현지화 사례연구* - 대한사람 <축문>을 중심으로

A Case Study of Japanese Localization of the Performance Using ‘Gut’ - Focusing on the DaehanSaram Performance <Chung moon> -

  • 67

東アジアは同じ文化&#22287;であるため、漢字&#8228;儒&#25945;など類似している点が多 い。その中でも韓&#22269;と日本は地理的な近さや在日コリアンが多く居住して いることから、&#20001;&#22269;間では昔から&#27096;&#12293;な文化交流が行われてきた。そし て、韓&#22269;の&#20253;統芸能公演もその文化交流の一環として大きな役割を果たし てきた。&#20253;統芸能は固有の文化的魅力を感じさせるが、海外公演を&#23455;施す る際には、文化障壁を低くするために、慣習や言語などにおいて&#27096;&#12293;な試 みが行われてきた。 本稿では、韓&#22269;&#22269;&#20869;外の&#20253;統芸能公演の現況について&#26908;討し、&#20253;統芸能 公演を現地化する際に必要な要素を導き出すことを目標とする。特に、具&#20307; 的な事例として、近年韓&#22269;&#22269;&#20869;で脚光を浴びている クッ をモチ&#12540;フにした 韓&#22269;&#22269;&#27005;グル&#12540;プ‘テハンサラム’の創作作品<祝文(チュンムン)>の日本で の3年間の公演を分析することによって、韓&#22269;&#20253;統芸能公演の現地化につい て論じてみる。

Because East Asia is the same cultural area, there are many similarities. Among them, Korea and Japan are geographically close to each other, and many Koreans live in Japan, and so various cultural exchanges have been conducted between the two countries since ancient times. And Korean traditional art performances have also played a major role as part of the cultural exchange. However, since traditional arts have high cultural barriers, various attempts have been made in practices and languages to lower cultural barriers in performing performances. This paper examines the present conditions of traditional art performances in Korea and abroad, and aims to derive the necessary elements to localize traditional art performances. As a specific example, we analyze the 3&#8208;year performance in Japan of the creative work <Chung moon> of the Korean traditional music group “DaehanSaram” with the motif of “GUT”, which has recently been highlighted in Korea. We further discuss the localization of Korean traditional art performances.

1. 서론

2. 전통공연예술콘텐츠의 국내외 현황

3. ‘굿’을 활용한 일본 현지화 사례분석

4. 결론을 대신하여 : 지속가능한 현지화 전략 방안
