최근 검색어 전체 삭제

승진속도와 지식공유

Promotion Speed and Knowledge Sharing Behavior: Focused on self-enhancement motive

  • 120

Knowledge sharing expands organizational resources, increases individual creativity, encourages cooperation among members, and promotes organizational performance. In the modern business environment, where the importance of knowledge and creativity is growing, Knowledge sharing is considered a key goal of the organization. But knowledge sharing is a dilemma for individuals. Sometimes monopolizing knowledge can be more beneficial to an individual. Determining knowledge sharing is the utility of it, and therefore the rewards become the key driver. This study analyzes knowledge sharing motive and knowledge monopoly motive from the perspective of promotion speed. Promotion is a representative set of rewards provided by the organization, and the speed of promotion changes the motivation of the organization members. This paper hypothesizes that as the promotion rate increases, the utility of knowledge-sharing behavior decreases, eventually having an inverted-U shape curvilinear relationship between promotion speed and knowledge sharing. Also, we hypothesize that self-enhancement motives will change the relationship between promotion speed and knowledge sharing. Our analysis based on 299 employees from south Korean companies confirmed our hypotheses. This study validates dynamics of knowledge sharing and authors identified implications as well as suggestions for future research.

Ⅰ. Introduction

Ⅱ. Theory & Hypothesis

Ⅲ. Methods

Ⅳ. Results

Ⅴ. Discussion
