최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

인터넷·스마트폰 중독 소아청소년의 성격적 특성

Personality Characteristics in Children and Adolescents with Internet and Smartphone Addiction

DOI : 10.37122/kaap.2019.23.2.100
  • 1,055

Objective : The purpose of this study was to investigate the personality characteristics of children and adolescents with Internet and smartphone addiction. Methods : A total of 3,434 participants, age 10-15, completed the Internet Addiction Proneness Scale-Short Form (KS scale), the Smartphone Addiction Scale-Short form Version (SAS-SV), the International Personality Item Pool scales (IPIP 50), and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS). One-way ANOVA, post-hoc analyses were conducted to compare differences among the three groups. Results : Six hundred ninety-one children and adolescents were classified into three groups: internet addiction group (N= 177), smartphone addiction group (N=357), and dual-addiction group (N=157). The dual-addiction group showed significantly higher in anxiety than the Internet addiction group (6.04 vs 4.50, p<0.001) and smartphone addiction group (6.04 vs 5.12, p=0.011). However it showed significantly lower in conscientiousness than the Internet addiction group (27.80 vs 29.24, p=0.041) and smartphone addiction group (27.80 vs 29.49, p=0.003). The Internet addiction group scored significantly higher on emotional stability than the dual-addiction group (29.67 vs 27.38, p=0.001). The smartphone addiction group showed higher agreeableness compared to the Internet addiction group (34.26 vs 33.03, p= 0.021). Conclusion : The results suggest that distinct personality patterns were observed among the Internet addiction group, smartphone addiction group, and dual-addiction group.

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